I drew this so that I could play with the markers my little bro and his wife got me for my birthday. Nee! I love them so! He turned out rather grumpy, but I like him. I had a lot of fun with the short fluff.
I got copics liners from Kwee and LC for my birthday!! I couldn't think of what do doodle so Manic happened again rar! To bad I don't have a scanner, took this pic with my webcam. Messed up on his shoes cause i can never remember the laces :p at least I didn't give him Sonic's shoes this time :p
Colored it with some sharpie markers i found chillin in my drawer, yay
So Fanart Something I don't really do that often. Well I do but the thing I'm the biggest fan of is my own stuff.. >< (ok thats a lie I see that tentacle headed Knux down there...)
anywho, Sonic stuff popped out of my hand today while doodling on my compy trying to figure out how the windows 7 version of paint program worked.
Its pretty random really. The chars are just tossed arounf at verying places with no relation whatsoever.
Random pen doodle. I some times get where I have to draw leafys on everything, or scratch out what looks like some sort of language i dunno. *shrug* Its not much but I hope you like it.
Yes it is rather random. But I thought it was cute so I'm sharing. Was goofing off with CHi the other day drawing robots and sonic stuff while sitting around out and about. I love sitting and drawing adn talking for hours with my Chi *snug* though I tend to do lots of odd doodling. Like this here.
Just drew this one some over this week. On an off just doodling when I felt like it, n between trying to crank out comics. *flop* It was nice an relaxing to doodle on thought so that's alright. I call it girly because I usualy feel the random critters I draw are male or that their gender doesn't matter at all so I don't think about it. But this one said it was female so I agreed.
Was just doodling one day and this critter popped onto the page. He's got two mouths an two noses and I dunno why. Rar! I think the wings are pretty nifty myself an the armory looking stuff on his neck and head. I think its armor anyway. Like scales or something.
I drew this a longish time ago. But I heard some morning show on the radio today and it ma e want to put it up. I call it Donkey Wings. They were talking about how we tell kids they can be and do anything when they grow up and how that's a lie. I disagree. When I was a child I wanted to be a donkey winger. Some one who sits in trees and puts wings on donkeys. And Look at me now. I am living the dream! LIVE THE DREAM!
He looked rather smug to me. I drew him yesterday I think. I was just doodling and drew and eye, as I'm want to do, but the eye just kept getting more and more critter forming around it and poof. Here is the smug critter. He's smug that he got drawn despite me. ;p
Going to try and post up the random of things I draw that nevr do anything but sit in my drawing book being lonely. They need love too!